5th Grade Libri Aestivi

Libri Aestivi /ˈlibɾi aestīvī/ is Latin for "Summer Books".

Please select summer reading lIsts by Incoming grade:


For incoming 5th graders, students are required to read two books before the end of summer. One of those two books must be read from the required book list below, and the second book should be chosen from the additional book list. Learn more about Libri Aestivi guidelines and requirements.

Book Report Form

Download the book report forms, and print out a copy for each of the books read. Book report forms are specific to each grade level and are not interchangeable. Both book reports are required to be submitted on the first day of school, and will result in a literature completion grade.

Required Book

The Story of George Washington Carver

by Eva Moore

Briefly retells the life of the famous scientist, George Washington Carver.

ISBN 978-0-590-42660-2

Choose 1 additional Book

Harriet The Spy

by Louise Fitzhugh

Eleven-year-old Harriet keeps notes on her classmates and neighbors in a secret notebook, but when some of the students read the notebook, they seek revenge. ISBN 978-0-440-41679-1

Brown Sunshine of Sawdust Valley

by Marguerite Henry

Molly wants a horse of her own, but when her father’s mare gives birth to a mule, Molly changes her mind and raises the newborn. ISBN 978-0-689-80779-4

Justin Morgan Had a Horse

by Marguerite Henry

An unusual work horse raised in Vermont and known originally as “Little Bub” becomes the sire of a famous American breed and takes the name of his owner, Justin Morgan. ISBN 978-1-41692-785-3

Out of the Dust

by Karen Hesse

In a series of poems, fifteen-year-old Billie Jo relates the hardships of living on her family’s wheat farm in Oklahoma during the dust bowl years of the Depression. ISBN 978-0-590-37125-4

The Horse and His Boy

by C. S. Lewis

A boy and a talking horse share an adventurous and dangerous journey to Narnia to warn of invading barbarians. ISBN 978-0-06-440940-7

Prince Caspian

by C. S. Lewis

Four children help Prince Caspian and his army of Talking Beasts to free Narnia from evil. ISBN 978-0-06-447105-3

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

by C. S. Lewis

Lucy and Edmund, accompanied by their peevish cousin Eustace, sail to the land of Narnia where Eustace is temporarily transformed into a green dragon because of his selfish behavior and skepticism. ISBN 978-0-06-447107-7

The Silver Chair

by C. S. Lewis

Two English children undergo hair-raising adventures as they go on a search and rescue mission for the missing Prince Rilian, who is held captive in the underground kingdom of the Emerald Witch. ISBN 978-0-06-440945-2

The Last Battle

by C. S. Lewis

When evil comes to Narnia, Jill and Eustace help to fight the great last battle and Aslan leads his people to a glorious new paradise. ISBN 978-0-06-447108-4

Snow Treasure

by Marie McSwigan

In 1940, when the Nazi invasion of Norway reaches their village in the far north, twelve-year-old Peter and his friends use their sleds to transport nine million dollars worth of gold bullion past the German soldiers to the secret harbor where Peter’s uncle keeps his ship ready to take the gold for safekeeping in the United States. ISBN 978-0-14-240224-5

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

by Robert C. O’Brien  

With nowhere else to turn, a field mouse asks the clever escaped lab rats living under the rosebush to help save her son, who lies in the path of the farmer’s tractor, too ill to be moved. ISBN 978-0-689-71068-1


by Gary Paulsen

After a plane crash, thirteen-year-old Brian spends fifty-four days in the Canadian wilderness, learning to survive with only the aid of a hatchet given him by his mother, and learning also to survive his parents’ divorce. ISBN 978-1-41693-646-6

A Long Way from Chicago: A Novel in Stories

by Richard Peck

A boy recounts his annual summer trips to rural Illinois with his sister during the Great Depression to visit their larger-than-life grandmother. ISBN 978-0-14-240110-1

Where the Red Fern Grows: The Story of Two Dogs and a Boy

by Wilson Rawls

The adventures of a ten-year-old boy and the two dogs he bought with money he had earned. ISBN 978-0-553-27429-5