Kindergarten Overview

School Day
8am-2:45pm. Before-care and After-care are available from 7:15am to 5:30pm for $5/hour per student.

Thursday mornings (8:15-8:45)

Math in Focus, Singapore Math.

[Includes reading and spelling number words to 20; counting; Numerical order; number awareness; introduction to addition and subtraction; calendar skills; telling time on the hour.]

Six animal classes; life cycles of seeds, animals, water, trees; seasons; introduction to the solar system and planets

Literature Readings
Various Read-A-Louds and Easy readers; memorize chants, songs, and poetry related to units of study

Phonics/Handwriting Use modern manuscript to form letters by tracing, copying, reproducing lines, shapes, letters and learn proper handwriting habits; learn sounds associated with letters and combinations to blend sounds into words; to improve decoding and fluency skills. Reading folder with books will be sent home weekly starting late September to be read and reread with parents assistance and help in recording progress after the books have been read and reread at school.

History Examined
American history; Presidents of the United States

Bible The Seven C’s of God’s History: Creation,
Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, Consummation. Scripture Memorization includes: Books of the New Testament, Disciples Names, The Lord’s Prayer – Matthew 6:9-13, Select New Testament passages, The Seven C’s of God’s History, and 40 Catechism questions and answers (from “First Catechism: Teaching Children Bible Truths” published by Great Commission Publications.)

Music, Visual Art, Physical Education, and Library

Day Trips/Activities
Fall dairy farm trip, Nashville Zoo, Symphony at the Schermerhorn, Polk Home, Downtown Columbia, Thanksgiving program, The Mitten Play, Grandparents Day – Patriotic Recitations, Birthday party for Jesus, nature hikes on campus, Show and Tell, Pajama Party, making ice cream. In house visitors to include: beekeeper, firefighter, Mr. Bob and his animals, dental health workers. Food tastings: apples, pumpkins, food group items, homemade butter and bread, Groundhog Day cupcake decorating and Valentine’s Day party.

Organizational Skills Following class rules and routines, participating in class, developing homework/study skills, organizing backpack/desk supplies, etiquette and interaction with adults and peers.


1. “The Post” – Weekly school newsletter emailed 2. Blackbaud – Online Student Information System 3. Homework Assignment Sheet – inside each class notebook 4. Periodic Kindergarten Newsletter sent via email sharing the past week’s events 5. Progress Reports (summary of class average and updates) given to student to bring home mid-quarter. Report Cards (end of each Quarter, approximately every 9 weeks) 7. Parent Conferences (at the beginning of the year, end of the 1st and 3rd quarters, or as needed)