THE CLASSICAL DIFFERENCE. Classical education is different because it starts with different goals and produces different outcomes. It’s distinct from most private and Christian schools because the majority of them use the same curriculum as public schools.
We work to revive the medieval model of education, one with a robust core of liberal arts, centered on Christ. We believe Christ is sovereign over everything, and as such should be integrated into every part of the educational curriculum and community. Why study history? Because we can see how Christ prepared the world for his works. Why study math? Because we can witness the meticulous order with which God designed the world. We have found that when Christ is first in every subject, students become lifelong learners, enchanted by the wonder of the world and passionate about justice and truth. We think the world needs more people like these.
Read more here. (Excerpted from )
The red ACCS bar to right represents how the Association of Classical Christian Schools outperforms other types of schools on the SAT.
Agathos students’ average composite ACT score is 29. Over half of our 2018 graduates scored a 30 or higher. For reference, the 2017 Tennessee state average is 19.8 and the National average is 21.
Our Mission Statement:
Using the tools of classical education, Agathos Classical School assists Christian parents in teaching and training their children to the glory of God.
A clear and consistent model of Christian life through its staff and board members
Encouragement to develop a relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ
A rigorous, classical education, in which grammar (facts), logic (relationships), and rhetoric (persuasive expression) are emphasized in all subject areas
Training to recognize and appreciate truth, goodness, and beauty
Teaching from a biblical worldview
Preparation to further the kingdom of God through our students and graduates now and in the future, in ways that we cannot imagine.
In conjunction with the biblical emphasis, Agathos Classical School strives to provide classical and Christian education, as described in the following works:
1. The Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers
2. Classical and Christ-centered/The Logos School Philosophy by Douglas Wilson
3. The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Milton Gregory
4. Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson
5. The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis
6. The Trivium: The Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric: Understanding the Nature and Function of Language by Sister Miriam Joseph
7. The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home 3rd edition by Susan Wise Bauer and Jesse Wise
8. Wisdom and Eloquence by Robert Littlejohn and Charles T. Evans
That Agathos Classical School will implement a classical approach to education founded on a Christian worldview.
That Agathos Classical School will prepare students for a lifetime of learning by equipping them with the basic tools of learning. At the completion of an education at Agathos, we desire our graduates to be young men and women who possess the classical tools that enable them to acquire the facts (grammar), reason clearly (logic), communicate effectively and persuasively (rhetoric), and live a life to the glory of God alone (Soli Deo Gloria). They will know how to think rather than simply what to think.
By God’s grace, the educational environment will develop young people who will possess a love of learning, be obedient to the Word of God, and thus serve Him with distinction in society. Our vision is to further the kingdom of God through our students and graduates, now and in the future, in ways that we cannot imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
That Agathos students will strive for excellence in all endeavors and achieve to the fullest their intellectual, spiritual, and physical potential. Agathos Classical School will seek and emphasize curricula that conforms to the school’s educational philosophy and that meets, exceeds or sets new standards for academic excellence. Agathos will encourage the full development of the student; that those gifted by God with intellectual talents will be continually challenged; that those gifted with musical, artistic, or other creative abilities will be encouraged and nurtured in those gifts; that those gifted with physical abilities will have opportunity to use and refine them; that our students will “know, love, and practice that which is true, good, and beautiful!”
That Agathos Classical School will encourage every student to come to a saving knowledge of Christ, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. (John 17:3; 2 Peter 3:18) We will encourage growth in Godly character in the students so that they may become mature Christians, equipped to be faithful servants of the Lord in their calling. We desire to see our students develop Christ-like humility and yet be capable of sound, bold, and eloquent apology. (Ephesians 4:29) We desire to have students that fully possess knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, recognizing the wisdom of man as foolishness before God. (Romans 12:2)
That the faculty, staff, and Board of Directors of Agathos Classical School will seek to reflect the character of Christ in their attitudes and behaviors, and thus provide an example of Godliness to the students. Their lives should be a clear model of a biblical Christian life. That parental involvement will saturate every aspect of Agathos. That an Agathos graduate will manifest the following:
Our long-term vision is to have an independent campus on which the school will function as a Pre-K through 12th grade classical and Christian school with a full complement of academic, extracurricular, and athletic programs.
It is our vision that in the end our students, parents, faculty, staff,
and board of directors will be looked upon and hear,
“Well done, good and faithful servant!”
The Lord has been faithful to establish and bless this work. Great efforts by many people have aided in the founding of Agathos, but ultimately all glory and honor must be given to Christ whose grace will uphold Agathos Classical School. Unless He builds our house, we labor in vain.
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